#atozchallenge- Xenial
Heartbreaking it is thatPeople who are around usWe take then for grantedCourtesy, patience we reserve for strangersBut have no time for true friendsWhat a wonderful world it could beIf we pause and...
View Article#atozchallenge - Youth
Nothing is impossibleI can do anythingColors new I can createSounds new I can inventDreams - what they are - forI make them realityBrash, arrogant, proud, energeticUnstoppable, emotionalWhat a crazy...
View Article#atozchallenge - Zoo
Imitating others, wanting shiny thingsMonkeysProud, powerful, arrogant, entitledLionsMeek, weak, fearful, softRabbitsMelodious, sweet, harmonyCuckoosThis world is indeed a Zoo!This poem is my...
View ArticleDream Trip to Malaysia
In the daily rigmarole of life our hearts always yearn for being free of the clutches and drudgery of day to day grind. Sometimes, taking rest is not enough. Sometimes, it is important to make that...
View ArticleBeing Equal
I often wonder how wrong we can be in our self righteousness if we fail to stop, listen and see the perspective. Our inflated egos, our acquired myopia to anything which we "feel" is not right, our...
View ArticleHealing Myself
It has been sometime since I have written anything worth reading. Actually pretty long time. Life has kept me busy with stuff and thus I ended up not doing something which I really love to do. Strange...
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